The Man of Constant and Continuous Tests in The Structure of Paintings .. 
The artwork this artist has done for many years, represented a milestone and caught the eye as an experimental space that is constantly evolving and diversifying. It expresses Ashour's constant work on new sensibilities and different textures and materials that prevail in the artwork. Ashour’s experience can be described as the next step for the generation of pioneers in Saudi Arabia, such as Muhammad Al-Saleem and Abdulhalim Radhawi. However, it transcended the concerns of leadership in favor of a contemporary painting that does not turn its back on its cultural and historical references. Ashour’s painting moved from a special literalism that employed the letter in an abstract formal structure that is not without a mystical lining and homogeneity with a theoretical research achievement in the relationship of photography with music and other audio-visual research. Ashour opened up about Arab artistic achievement and benefited greatly in several experiences in which this artist seemed inclined to have his works as a summary and a legitimate product of his detachments and debates. Something that seems clear to an Arab optical professional full of achievements. If Ashour’s painting today sided with austere abstraction in its rituals, it came after the decline in recruitment and referrals, maintaining that hidden “chess” that makes his paintings provocative to the mind and raises questions.


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